Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Comelec moves registration for SK, barangay polls to July

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has tentatively set the date of the registration for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections from July 1 to 31, a poll official said Tuesday.

Comelec Commissioner Rene Sarmiento said that under the law, registration should be conducted 120 days before the elections. In this case, registration should be conducted beginning June 25 because the 2010 SK and Barangay elections have been scheduled on October 25.

But Sarmiento said they moved the registration to July because June 25 is "too soon." "Wala ng time for registration (We might not have enough time for registration)," he told reporters in an interiew.

He added that under Republic Act 7166, they can adjust the registration schedule "if necessary."

Sarmiento said those turning 15 and 18 years old should register for the SK and Barangay elections. But he said those who are over 18 and have already registered do not need to register again.

He added that they are encouraging those who do not have biometrics to go to local Comelec officers and have their biometrics captured.

Automate polls again?

On the other hand, Sarmiento said they still have yet to decide whether to automate the October polls.

"Yan ang pag uusapan (That's what we'll talk about) But the sentiment is it should be automation. It think that is the trend and the public is expecting that it be automated," he said.

He noted, however, that they have yet to talk with poll machine supplier Smartmatic about engaging in another contract for the SK and Barangay polls. The Philippines paid P7.2 billion to Smartmatic-Total Information Management (TIM) to automate the May 2010 elections.

In a separate interview, Smartmatic Asia president Cesar Flores said they welcome the idea of automating the October elections. He noted, however, that the poll body should set the filing of certificates of candidacy earlier because Smartmatic would need to print more ballot faces if ever. — Kimberly Tan/RSJ, RJAB Jr., GMANews.TV

Check your inbox: Big Brother is emailing you

Posted at 06/15/2010 2:07 PM | Updated as of 06/15/2010 2:07 PM

SINGAPORE - Singapore will give all citizens, foreign residents and businesses an email address to receive bills and other correspondence from the government, officials said Tuesday.
Called "OneInbox," the service will be launched in 2012 in the high-tech city-state, which now has five million residents including a million foreigners who enjoy nearly universal computer access.
Recipients can opt to get SMS alerts when a message is sent.
"It's your own personal correspondence with the government," a spokeswoman from the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) said.
A fact sheet issued by the IDA said "OneInbox is expected to bring greater convenience to individuals and businesses, by providing a one-stop access to all correspondence from government agencies in place of hard copy letters."
"Through the integration of the OneInbox with e-services of government agencies, it will also allow individuals and businesses to perform transactions with the government immediately upon receiving the electronic correspondence."
The service will be confidential and secure, and users can link their OneInbox accounts to their personal emails and mobile phone numbers, the literature said.
Government agencies will be able to confirm receipt of correspondence and bills paid.
However, users will not be able to tap their OneInbox accounts for personal purposes, such as sending casual emails to friends, an IDA spokeswoman said.
Many government transactions, including renewal of residency permits and payment of traffic fines, can now be done online in Singapore, where the government estimates 83 percent of people have a computer at home and Internet cafes are widespread.

Unang Pamilya: Di na nakatira sa Palasyo ng Malakanyang

MANILA, Philippines - First Gentleman Jose Miguel "Mike" Arroyo said on Tuesday that the First Family started moving out of Malacañang Palace two weeks ago, and they are now living in their house in La Vista subdivision in Quezon City.
In an interview, Mr. Arroyo said starting last Sunday, he and President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo were no longer sleeping in Malacañang Palace.
Mr. Arroyo, who has a heart ailment, also disclosed he will undergo a spinal column surgery as recommended by his doctors.
The Arroyo government has a transition team that intends to facilitate a "smooth turnover" to the next government of President-elect Benigno Aquino III.
The two sides have met to discuss the inaugural of Aquino on June 30.
Mrs. Arroyo will have her final Cabinet meeting on June 29 before the oath-taking of Aquino at the Quirino Grandstand the following day.
Mrs. Arroyo will assume her post as representative of Pampanga's second district after she steps down from her 9-year presidency.

Twitter down due to enhancement failures

Twitter has just apologized to its users for widespread glitches -from apparently missing tweets to incorrect tweet counts- due to failed enhancements to its timeline caching system.

On Twitter's status blog, the company posted on June 14 (June 15 in the Philippines) a series of updates that apologized to users for apparently missing tweets and inconsistent tweet counts.

"We're currently experiencing site availability issues resulting from the failed enhancement of a new approach to timeline caching. Our infrastructure and operations engineers are currently working to resolve this," one of the posts said.

As of press time, the latest update was posted at 11:51pm PDT (6:51am Philippine time) and said that Twitter is still "recovering from the site outage. Users may temporarily experience missing or duplicate tweets from their timelines. Normal timelines will be restored shortly." - GMANews.TV

Monday, June 14, 2010

Business Networking: Pros and Cons Part II

One of my goals this year is to attend 4 real-world face-to-face networking events each month. Why bother with offline networking at all? After all, several virtual assistants I spoke with told me they do all their marketing and networking strictly online.
Face-to-face Networking Builds Trust
My personal experience with online-only networking is a mixed bag. I met all my past and present clients online. The problem is that some of my business relationships soured in large part because of their virtual nature. For example, dismissing an overdue invoice with promises of payment at a later unspecified date is much easier to do via e-mail than through face-to-face contact.
From the client’s point of view, they might want to deal with someone local because hopefully it would ensure higher level of customer service and greater ease of communication. Plus, it turns out that many solo entrepreneurs and small business owners are a fairly conservative and cautious bunch. They really need to get to know you and chat with you a few times before they even look at your Services page. Or is it a Southern thing?
Face-to-Face Networking Lets You Assess Your Future Client
Either way, this need for face-to-face contact works for me since it gives me time to evaluate prospective client and decide whether our working together would be a good idea after all.
Face-to-face Networking is Fun
I’m a stay-at-home mom who spends most of her days in the company of a preschooler.  As intelligent, entertaining, thought-provoking, and fun as my son is, I still crave, occassionally, to be with other grownups talking about things other than Thomas the Train, drums, and alphabet. Networking provides just such an outlet, not to mention a great opportunity to wear something fancier than jeans and running shoes.
Face-to-Face Networking = Learning
There are things you will hear in a small group of regulars who know each other quite well that you will not hear in public spaces online. There is also a great opportunity to meet and listen to people from a different “niche universe”.  Even though many of the people you meet are not your target clients or potential partners, they might offer a unique insight, share a valuable resource, or get you thinking about a new solution to your problems.
Now, face-to-face networking is not without its drawbacks.
Face-to-face Networking is Time Consuming – an hour-long even will take half a day if you factor in the driving time, pre-event mulling about, presentations that run on for a bit too long, and post-event networking.
Face-to-face Networking is Expensive – well, compared to online networking it is. Since most of the networking events are scheduled during business hours, you miss out on getting some work done. Many events have attendance and/or membership fees. Many are hosted over breakfast or lunch at cafes and restaurants – another expense. Finally, if your situation is similar to mine, you’ll have to arrange for childcare while you’re out networking.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio – I’d love to attend a networking group strictly for coaches or, say, for professional organizers – my target market instead of one with realtors, mortgage brokers, financial advisors, franchisees, MLM, and home parties-type businesses – not my target market. This can be easily controlled online, but offline many groups intentionally limit the number of participants from the same niche.
Still, I think old-style networking is important in a B2B business that is relationship-based, such as virtual assistance or social media support. And so I’m going to 4 networking groups this month. I found all of them through Meetup:
Women Business Owners Network – WBON – I’ve been a part of this group for about 8 months. I met one-on-one with a couple of people from this group and once bartered my services with another group member. I also did a presentation on Social Networking for Small Businesses and will be doing another one in March. But that’s as far as I’ve gotten for now.
Raleigh Entrepreneurs Organization - this is a new group I joined just a few days ago. It seems to be a diverse and active group with lots of interesting discussions. Also, very important to me – they meet in the evenings.
Raleigh Internet Marketing Mastermind – I joined this group last spring, but was able to go to only a couple of meetups since then. It’s a very in-demand group and meetups fill up very quickly, within a few hours of being posted. I’ve talked at length with some of the group members who might need my services and I’m hoping to work with some of them. But even if not, it’s a fantastic group to attend to learn all things Internet Marketing-related.
Raleigh Working Business Owners After Hours Meetup – I run my business part-time and in the evenings and it seems I’m an exception among the members of my other groups. So I was especially excited when I found out about this group late in December. I’m going to the first meeting later this week. So far, I have to say that this group has the most active message board and forum of all the groups I’m in. Very impressive!
So that’s my 4 for this month. Things might change next month if I see that one of these groups is not what I need. I have to tell you, for a part-time entrepreneur on a shoe-string budget, maintaining this pace is tough. But I hope that after 3-4 months I will be able to narrow it down to 2 networking meetings per month, possibly alternating between 3-4 groups.
What’s your experience with offline networking? How many events do you attend? How do you find out about networking groups? Please share your success stories!

Business Networking: Pros and Cons Part I

"Networking is an extremely powerful and effective tool when growing any business.  It is having a sales force without paying for a full time staff, launching an advertising campaign without having a marketing budget, and establishing yourself as an expert in your field without having to become a media darling.  The basic goal is to provide professionals, resources, and clients to networking members without incurring outrageous costs.  Listed here are a review of the most common networking resources and how to implement them into your own business."

Friends, Family AND CLIENTS
 Three Business Colleagues
PRO:  Family, Friends Clients are the most common resource for any new business owner to tap into.  They have a history with you, know what you are capable of, and can vouch for your character, thus giving you a “foot in the door.”  Another bonus is that they truly want to help you do whatever they in order for you to succeed.
CON:  The people who care the most are often the biggest naysayers when it comes to venturing out on your own.  They will be the first to doubt your ability and determination, and the first to come down on you should you fail to live up to their expectations and fulfill the promises they made on your behalf.  They want you to be “safe”…and starting a new business is anything but safe.
MAKING IT WORK:  Be sincere when asking for help from friends and family.  Also, be specific when asking them for what you need.  When they come through for you, send them thank you cards, and keep them up to date on how your business is growing.  To keep sending people your way, they want to know that they are actually helping you, that you are fulfilling your promises, and that your business is growing.  Lastly, take all of their advice with a grain of salt.  Some advice will make sense, but other bits will go against the grain.  Thank for their advice and referrals, but stick to your instincts.
PRO:  Previous Clients already have a history with you.  They will be glad to see you striking out on your own; they will be willing to let you solicit to them; and they will be willing to help you with advice and referrals for getting off the ground.
CON:  This group can be difficult to win away from your previous company since they have a history with that business as well.   Also, they might possibly be a little jealous of your entrepreneurial spirit and thus a bit reluctant to see you succeed where they might fear to travel.
MAKING IT WORK:  Be attentive and offer excellent customer service.  Call them periodically and ask how you might be of assistance.  Ask for referrals whenever possible.  Get friendly with their salesmen, managers and other employees and offer incentives to these people for buying from you or referring business to you.  Send cards and gifts on special occasions to let them you value them.  This kind of customer service will win their loyalty and get them to make referrals.
PRO:  A Networking Group can offer encouragement, support, and a ready-made clientele list.  They will hire you to accomplish tasks for their business.  They will make referrals when you prove your worth.  They will act as your sales force and vouch for you even when the customer has not met you.  They will be loyal to you before being loyal to other acquaintances because of the groups existing terms of cooperation.  In effect, they will be your best clients, your respected colleagues, and eventually your friends.
CON:  A networking group will test your mettle first.  If you do not prove your worth, they will not send new business your way.  If you prove to be reliable, they will boot you from the group and not refund your fees.  Many times, they will only refer clients to you if you do the same for them.  Also, it will cost money to join a networking group.
MAKING IT WORK:  Make yourself valuable by doing the following:  Treat professional networkers as valued customers and respected colleagues; always stand by your word; prove your reliability time and again; go above and beyond what is expected of you; volunteer for status in the group; and refer as many clients to others as possible.  By doing so, your networking group will feel the need to repay you in kind and your client list will grow exponentially.  Write off any associated fees as advertising expenses.
(Check out BNI, your local Chamber of Commerce, related trade groups, and specialty business groups (like groups for women or minorities).)
PRO:  Multiple visits to your website can help your business by utilizing search engine optimization.  The more views your site acquires, the more your site moves to the top of search engines like Google and Yahoo, giving you an edge over your competition.  Submitting your website to social bookmarking sites achieves the desired views to move your website into premier positions.
CON:  These sights largely promote writers and bloggers.  Therefore, you need to spend time in both writing and updating your blogs, as well as in helping other social bookmarkers promote their material in order to stay fresh and on top of your market.
MAKING IT WORK:  Create an informative blog on your website related to what your business does or the services you provide.  This will set you apart as an expert in your field, and give something to your bookmarking network that they can legitimately promote.  The more time you spend adding “friends,” visiting and approving sites, and making comments, the more your networking group will do the same for you. 
(Check out Stumbleupon, Digg, Propeller, Facebook and MySpace for social bookmarking sites.  Also create a profile on LinkedIn since this website is quickly becoming one of the main business networking resources on the net.)
PRO:  Testimonials and comments set you apart as a reliable professional in your field and gain the trust of readers.  It gives future customers the chance to learn about you while also having other people verify your knowledge.
CON:  This is not a 100% guarantee of trust since some people may assume that you made up any testimonials on your site.  Negative comments might actually hurt your credibility as well.
MAKING IT WORK:  Ask your acquaintances and colleagues to provide a testimonial about you, your business and your products.  Select the best ones for your website and promotional materials place them in a prominent position.  By doing so, you portray your professionalism upfront and give visitors a sense of confidence in your skills.  Use negative comments as constructive feedback to improve your blogs, and delete them when necessary or inappropriate. 

Microsoft Kinect arrives, battle begins

Posted at 06/15/2010 1:07 PM | Updated as of 06/15/2010 1:07 PM

LOS ANGELES - Microsoft Corp will begin selling its "Kinect" motion-sensing game system on November 4, before the crucial holiday season, hoping to lure new and casual players to the Xbox and steal a march on rivals Nintendo Co Ltd and Sony Corp.
The world's largest software vendor, which has ambitions of making its Xbox 360 not just a gaming device but a hub of home video and Web entertainment, will also begin selling a smaller, same-priced version of the console this week.
Microsoft would not say how much Kinect -- which plugs into Xboxes and lets players control games with body and hand gestures -- will sell for, though analysts' estimates range from $50 to $200. Executives said 15 titles from developers including Electronic Arts Inc and Ubisoft Entertainment SA will be available at the time of launch.
Ahead of this week's Electronic Entertainment Expo convention in Los Angeles, Microsoft offered sneak peeks of upcoming titles, including a LucasArts game in which Jedi Knights do battle with light sabers, and a fitness program that lets players compete in sports from bowling to sprinting.
The world's leading gaming hardware makers, hoping to reignite the slumping $60 billion industry, will unveil a plethora of futuristic gadgets at the E3 convention.
The rush of technology comes just as the video game industry, which dwarfs the $10 billion domestic movie box office, needs it. US industry sales -- hardware, software and accessories -- are down more than 10 percent at $4.7 billion this year through April, according to research firm NPD Group.
Microsoft also said on Monday it had struck a deal with Walt Disney Co's ESPN network to broadcast live sporting events into US living rooms through the Xbox 360 games console, bypassing traditional cable providers.
Live games will be broadcast through Microsoft's Xbox Live service, and will be offered at no additional cost.
It already offers Netflix movies and Zune music and videos through its Xbox Live online subscription service. There has been talk that it will announce a deal to add Hulu TV shows to the service at E3.
The arrival of Kinect may pressure Nintendo, which pioneered motion-sensing gaming through an all-purpose controller with its Wii system. Nintendo is expected to unveil more details on its 3D games system that requires no glasses at E3.
"This year's E3 gives the gaming industry the first real opportunity to prove that it's not just about making shoot-em-up games for testosterone-fueled boys," Forrester Research analyst James McQuivey said.
"This is because the secret to the gaming industry's future is the realization that game consoles are the most powerful device in the living room," he wrote in a note.
A high bar?
In a surprise announcement, Microsoft also showed off a more compact, higher-capacity Xbox console that will ship to retailers on Monday and be available to consumers this week. With a 250-gigabyte hard drive, the console will carry the same price tag of $299.
At the same time, Microsoft will slash $50 off the price of lower-capacity Xbox models -- the Xbox 360 Arcade and Xbox 360 Elite -- to $149.99 and $249.99, respectively. That makes them more affordable than the roughly $300 PlayStation -- though it comes with more capacity -- and in good shape against the roughly $199 Wii.
Electronic Entertainment Design and Research analyst Jesse Divnich said Microsoft set a high bar ahead of announcements from Nintendo and Sony this week.
"This presentation was a great sign of how Microsoft is transforming the Xbox into being a real entertainment platform," he said. "In a sense, they are trying to reinvent the Xbox 360, have it appeal to a broader audience."
Sony is expected to unveil its "Move" platform, which will compete with Kinect and Wii.
Shares of Microsoft fell 0.64 percent to close at $25.50 on Nasdaq. Disney fell 0.9 percent to $33.93 and Sony slipped 0.7 percent to $28.40 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Microsoft's Kinect is a three-camera system that plugs into Xbox and allows for hands-free games and controlling the console with voice commands. The platform, if it works well, takes gamers a step beyond Nintendo's Wii.
Some may have been disappointed by the lack of blockbuster franchises -- such as Activision Blizzard Inc's "Call of Duty" -- in the initial wave of releases for Kinect, but executives said that was a conscious decision.
Electronic Arts also announced on Monday it was developing a fitness game called Active 2 for Kinect, due for release in November. At a news conference, the company outlined updates to its Medal of Honor, Madden NFL and Need for Speed franchises, with an appearance by football great Joe Montana.
"The last thing I want to do is take a franchise that's strong and shove something in it too quickly," said Phil Spencer, vice president of Microsoft Game Studios.
"We want to put Kinect in the hands of creators (of Call of Duty and so on) and see what magic they come up with."
Janco Partners' analyst Mike Hickey said, "The fitness and dance games are both potential killer applications, driving a reasonably strong Kinect attach rate to the existing installed base and early adopters.
"The ESPN deal is huge, and the social networking applications Kinect offers are potentially powerful for driving initial adoption and loyalty," he said.

How to Add Facebook Share Button to Blog Post

Here's ,how make share button on your blogspot posts ,like appear at this blog . which will be good for readers to share your posts on Facebook, such as Digg button.

Oke, go to blogger dashboard -Edit HTML -Check Expand Widget - and find the code below:
<b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>

Place following code before the code above

<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='&quot;http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=&quot; + data:post.url'><img alt='www.tips-fb.com' border='0' src='http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a398/syilpid/share_on_facebook_2.png'/></a>

The code above will appear be like this button:

If you want to using another button , can use these code below :

Cara memasang facebook di blog

<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='&quot;http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=&quot; + data:post.url'><img src="http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a398/syilpid/share_on_facebook_4.png" border="0" alt="www.tips-fb.com"></a>

<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='&quot;http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=&quot; + data:post.url'><img src="http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a398/syilpid/share_on_facebook_3.png" border="0" alt="www.tips-fb.com"></a>

Or use your own text , for example : "Share On Facebook"

<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='&quot;http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=&quot; + data:post.url'>Share on Facebook</a>


Security Guards sa Opening ng World Cup sa Italy, Nag-Walk Out

CAPE TOWN - South African police took control of security at reigning champions Italy's opening World Cup match on Monday, after stewards walked out in a spiralling dispute over pay.
The strike came only hours after stewards providing security at Durban's World Cup stadium, which are employed by the same private security company, clashed with riot police in a protest over their wages.
The dispute is a major embarrassment for organisers who also had to find alternative transport for nearly 1,000 supporters stuck at Johannesburg's showpiece Soccer City stadium when bus drivers staged a wildcat strike.
"Although we have respect for workers' rights, we find it unacceptable for them to disrupt match day proceedings and will not hesitate to take action in such instances," said organising committee chief executive Danny Jordaan.
A police spokesman confirmed several hundred stewards had gone on strike.
"They were asked (by management) to leave the stadium. They have left the stadium," Cape Town police spokesman Billy Jones told AFP. "The police and the metro police are doing the job here."
The walk-out came barely three hours before Italy began the defense of their crown with a rain-soaked 1-1 draw against Paraguay at Cape Town's brand new $575-million (470-million-euro) Green Point stadium.
The match kicked off on time after the 63,000-strong crowd passed through the police-operated security scanners.
After a triumphant opening confounded scepticism about South Africa's ability to host the World Cup, the tournament's problems are mounting.
Police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades to break up the Durban protest by around 400 stadium staff angered by what they said was a pay cut from 250 rand ($33) to 190 rand per day.
Some of the protesters returned to the stadium during the day in a bid to negotiate with their employers but the impasse remained.
"They told us that if we're not happy, we can give our uniform back," said one steward who declined to give his name.
A spokesman for the organising committee said a meeting was being set up between private security firm Stallion and workers to resolve the dispute.
A spokesman for Stallion said workers had been "misled" by jealous commercial rivals that did not get the tender.
The tournament also faced negative headlines over ranks of empty seats spotted at some of the less glamorous ties over the weekend.
Around 8,000 seats were empty during Saturday's match between South Korea and Greece, while there were also gaping holes at Monday's game in the central city of Bloemfontein where Japan beat Cameroon 1-0.
Most of the empty seats at Port Elizabeth had been sold to corporate clients who had just not turned up.
"Of course it is not nice to see empty seats at a World Cup stadium," said FIFA spokesman Nicolas Maingot. "You cannot draw conclusions after eight games."
In contrast, the match between the Netherlands and Denmark at Johannesburg's showpiece Soccer City stadium appeared full to the rafters. Supporters tried desperately to find tickets off touts for a match the Dutch won 2-0.
Around 1,000 fans who did get into the game had to find alternative transport from the stadium after drivers of a special high-speed bus service went on strike after dropping them off.
Japanese fans who had gathered in Bloemfontein dressed up in samurai outfits and took photos of themselves with their counterparts from Cameroon, while practicing on the vuvuzela trumpets that are driving some players mad.
Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo was the latest star to voice unease about the trumpet, telling reporters it affected players' focus.
But FIFA president Sepp Blatter said there was no chance of them being shown the red card.
"I don’t see banning the music traditions of fans in their own country. Would you want to see a ban on the fan traditions in your country?" he wrote on Twitter.

Pinay Scandal – Pinay Sex Scandal – Pinay Celebrity Scandal


I was recently studying how webmasters SEO’ed (optimized for the search engines) their p*rn websites. I was wondering what have they done to make those websites to top the search engines results in searches of the terms like “pinay scandal“, “pinay sex scandal“, “pinay celebrity scandal” and other related searches.
By simply observing them, I found out that those popular websites are using these taglines:
  • Pinay Scandal the most complete collection of Scandals on the Net.
  • From Pinay Celebrity Scandals, Motel Scandals, to Places Scandals we have it
  • The complete collection of pinay scandal.
  • This site contains video clips of pinay scandals
  • USC Scandal 2 – UST Scandal – UST Scandal 2 – Xavier Univ Scandal – Zamboanga Scandal.
  • XEO Sites – Naughty Pinay Celebs – Pinay Pronstars …;
  • SPC Scandal Tags: pinay : scandal Channels: Asian Added: 5 months ago by fish_82;
  • If you are looking for pinay scandal related blogs or website, I think, I can help you. *wink* ;) .
To let you know, searches on the terms I already mentioned have better trend. Just look at the graph generated by Google Trends of searches using the term “Pinay Scandal.”
Pinay Scandal TrendThe graph tells us that the traffic actually started only on the midst of the year, 2005. And then the volume of the searches continuously increases.
In other words, pinay scandal is really popular not only here in the Philippines but also in the other parts of the world.
So, there’s no wonder that there are lots of webmasters who are trying to make money online using the photos and videos of Pinay or Filipina or Philippine women whether by just displaying nudity or doing something meaty with their partners.

The Pinay Scandal Search Engine Optimization Campaign

With the tremendous increase of internet users who are looking for these kind of materials, bloggers who are trying to get traffic for their blog saw the opportunity by simply talking about it at their own blogs.
Yes! By simply talking about it without promoting it to their blog’s current visitors, they can already get additional visitors for their blog as long as they successfully snatch the top positions in the Google SERP or of the other search engines.
So, on the year 2007, Brother Marghil Macuha started the Pinay Scandal Search Engine Optimization Campaign. The rule are these:
  1. A blogger will create or write an article or blogpost that talks about pinay scandal. It’s up for the blogger to be creative on how to talk about it without promoting them. They can talk about the traffic, the negative effects to the internet users, how popular are the term, and the things to do to counter the search engine optimization of the real scandal websites and snatching the top positions in the SERP when searching for pinay scandal or any other related search-terms.
  2. Then the participating blogger should establish links to the originator of the campaign which is Brother Macuha. And the participant has the option to link also to other participants that are already been approved by Brother Macuha and are listed on his own pinay scandal blogpost.
But what is the purpose of this?
Creating a blogpost or writing article about pinay scandal is actually the very first thing that a participating blogger should do, because he couldn’t market a non existing product. And the article about it is considered the product.
And then, interlinking all the blogposts or articles published by participating bloggers is one of the ways of marketing. It’s not just part of the SEO or Search Engine Optimization but it is also part of advertising.
If you don’t have idea on what Search Engine Optimization is, please read my articles:
  1. What is SEO?
  2. The Off-site SEO
  3. The On-site SEO
You can also find my articles about Search Engine Optimization by following the links below:
  1. Search Engine Optimization
  2. SEO
But you might ask me: How can interlinking the blogposts or articles be part of the advertising?
Okay. With this kind of linking scheme, for sure, one of the participating blogposts will top the search engine result whether by Google, Yahoo/Bing or other major search engines.
Since the volume of the daily searches of the term pinay scandal and other related terms is huge, we can say then that those webpages or blogposts that successfully listed on the top position in the search engine results would get huge traffic also. This is true because normally those listed on the top are those who are most likely visited by the users of the search engines.
So, if those participating blogpost successfully got huge volume of traffic, those visitors will actually read the article and will probably click the links listed with it. So the result is, the blogpost that is listed on the top of the SERP became the landing page of those users using the search engines. And then the traffic will be redirected to the other participating blogposts when those visitors clicked on the links listed within that blogpost that became the landing page.
Now, after reading the above thoughts and you became interested of the pinay scandal but don’t understand what is this, then go on reading.

Making Money Online with Pinay Scandal

There are many ways of making money online with the pinay scandal. However, I couldn’t teach how to do this in the way p*rn webmasters are making money.
When we declare an SEO war against the p*rn websites, it is likely that we are also against to the way they are making money online with the materials related to what we are talking now.
However, by participating the search engine optimization campaign that Brother Macuha started as we talked about above, you are already making money online with it.
Remember what I am always telling you in my articles related to search engine optimization that “traffic is money.” Now, since participating this kind of campaign will let you enjoy the traffic redirected by other participating blogposts. It is likely that you are given the opportunity to make money online from it.
But of course, you need to make your blog more appealing to the visitors. But not in the sense that you are making the p*rny materials available to them or promoting these to them. But you need to enhance the look of our blog and most epecially the content of it.
So, if you blogging about “Food” for example, just make sure that the content of your blog are relevant to your blog’s topic, so that those internet users who came from the search of pinay scandal and are interested in food will stay in your blog longer by reading your blog’s content.
For thoughts about it, please read the articles published on this blog:
  1. How to market your blog?
  2. How much important is the content of the website?

Exchange Linking Problem

Just like what I told you in my article, “Making Your Exchange Linking Campaign in Natural Profile,” exchange linking is one of the SEO techniques that Google hates so much. And this kind of SEO writing campaign can be considered a link exchange scheme in the sense that every participating blogposts establish links to the other participating blogs.
So, if Google detects and noticed that this blogposts participated a linking scheme, Google might impose a penalty or if not Google will just give no PR value of the links coming from the participating blogposts.
I couldn’t say that the Pinay Scandal SEO writing program or SEO campaign is the main reason why the visible PR value or the toolbar PR value of this blog has been reduced to zero because only few of the participating blogs got the PR of zero.
Besides with that, I also noticed that there are participating blogs that are not existing anymore. And there are SEO gurus who said that linking to the non-existing websites or blogs can cause side effect. I don’t know if it’s true but it is better to check for the dead links to avoid any negative effects.

What is Pinay Scandal?

Actually, this terms refer to the photos, videos or any stories that reveal shameful, sxeperience, and secrets of some individuals or celebrities. This includes photos or videos taken at any places by secret cameras of two individual performing siix or any scandalous acts, and other similar videos or photos that expose someone’s secrets.
Some of these kind of materials maybe are:
  • The video recorded by the couple themselves who performed the sxeual act for their own personal purpose without the intention of releasing the video to the public or to the internet.
  • The video recorded by someone of the sxeual adventures made by the couple without their knowledge.
And few of the examples of these are:
  1. 1st Anniversary Scandal
  2. AB Dog Style Scandal
  3. Adamson University Scandal
  4. After Shower Scandal
  5. Alleged ABS-GMA Producer Scandal
  6. Amanda Page Scandal
  7. Annabelle Rama Scandal
  8. Angela Tiongson Scandal
  9. Angel Locsin Scandals
  10. Angela Strip Scandal
  11. Angelica Panganiban Scandal
  12. Angelica Panganiban’s Nude Australian Picutre
  13. Ang Nipples Scandal
  14. Anna Jamp Scandal
  15. Ann Blow Job Scandal
  16. Another Motel Scandal
  17. Antipolo Scandal
  18. Antonella Barba – American Idol Scandal
  19. Aquinas University Scandal
  20. Ateneo Zamboanga Scandal
  21. Awake or not I’m gonna fuck you Scandal
  22. Bacolod Scandal
  23. Baguio Scandal
  24. Baliuag University Scandal
  25. Bea of Ateneo Scandal
  26. Beyonce Flashes Boobs Scandal
  27. Binibining San Jose Calumpit Scandal
  28. Blue Escort Girl Scandal
  29. Boarding House Scandal
  30. Bong Revilla – Asunta De Rossi Scandal
  31. Boobita Scandal
  32. Boracay Scandal
  33. Boys Night Out Scandal
  34. Boys Night Out Scandal 2
  35. Britney Spears K – Fed Tape Scandal
  36. Britney Spears Pussy Peek
  37. Bukid Scandal
  38. Bulacan State Univsersity Scandal (BSU Scandal)
  39. Busy Girl Scandal
  40. Butuan City Scandal
  41. Butuan City Urios Scandal
  42. Cabuyao Scandal (aka Teacher – Student Scandal)
  43. Cabuyao Scandal 2
  44. Cagayan Bulua Scandal
  45. Car Fuck Scandal
  46. Car Fuck Scandal II
  47. Carmina Villaroel Scandal (Alleged)
  48. Carmen Electra Scandal
  49. CDR King Scandal
  50. Cebu Boarding House Scandal
  51. Cebu Scandal
  52. CEU Scandal
  53. Cheska of Arena Scandal
  54. Che Che Scandal
  55. Chinita Scandal
  56. Chyx Alcala Scandal (Big Brother Housemate)
  57. Cindy Kurleto Nip Slip Scandal
  58. Cityland – Janice Scandal
  59. Claudine Barretto Scandal
  60. Closet Scandal
  61. Commonwealth Avenue Scandal
  62. Convergys Scandal
  63. Criselda Volks Scandal
  64. Cristine Reyes Photo Scandal
  65. Cubao Scandal
  66. Davao Central HS Scandal
  67. Days Hotel Scandal
  68. Dela Salle University Scandal
  69. Diana Escort Girl Scandal
  70. Diane of Tuguegarao (City) Scandal
  71. Dingdong – Antonette Scandal
  72. Divine World University Scandal
  73. Divisoria Mall Scandal
  74. Dolor Hotel Scandal
  75. Don Bosco Scandal
  76. Dr. Vicky Belo – Hayden Kho Sex Scandal
  77. Dressing Room Scandal
  78. Driver-Maid Scandal
  79. Dumaguete Scandal 2
  80. Eda Nolan Scandal
  81. Eda Nolan Scandal Pictures
  82. Ely and Olan 2 Scandal
  83. English Teacher Scandal
  84. Ex-Gf Scandal
  85. Famous Newscaster Scandal
  86. Fatima School Scandal
  87. FEU Scandal
  88. Fil-Am Scandal
  89. Filipina Fitness First Scandal
  90. Filipina Texting Scandal
  91. Fingering Scandal
  92. Flores De Mayo Scandal
  93. For my OFW Husband Scandal
  94. Francine Prieto Photo Shoot
  95. Ganda ng Puke mo Scandal
  96. Gapan Scandal
  97. Gastambide Scandal
  98. General’s Daughter Scandal
  99. GF is Drunk Scandal
  100. GF Seduction Scandal
  101. Girl Named Ruth Scandal
  102. GirlFriend Teasing Scandal
  103. Girl with Braces Scandal
  104. Girls Showing Their Hooties Scandal
  105. Gretchen Barretto – John Estrada Scandal
  106. Hayden Kho Scandal
  107. Hidden Cam in Motel Scandal
  108. High School Scandal
  109. Holy Angel University Scandal
  110. Holy Cross of Davao College Scandal
  111. Holy Spirit Scandal
  112. Honda Cars Alabang Scandal
  113. Househelper Scandal
  114. Iligan Scandal
  115. Iloilo Scandal 2
  116. Indian Posing Nude Scandal
  117. Iriga Scandal
  118. Jacquie Estevez Scandal
  119. Janina San Miguel Scandal
  120. Japayuki Scandal
  121. Jeepney Scandal
  122. Jennylyn Mercado Scandal
  123. Jollibee Scandal
  124. JRU Scandal
  125. Julie Scandal
  126. Karel Maquez Scandal Video
  127. Katrina Halili Scandal
  128. Keanna Reaves BJ Scandal
  129. Keys Me Scandal
  130. Kim Kardashian (tape) Scandal
  131. Kim Kardashian Scandal Full Clip
  132. Kristine Hermosa Upskirt Peek
  133. La Consolacion College Scandal
  134. La Salle Canlubang Scandal
  135. Lei Ochoa Scandal
  136. Lenny Scandal
  137. Love Seat Scandal
  138. Lucena Scandal
  139. Madonna Blow Job Scandal
  140. Makapal Buhok Scandal
  141. Manado Scandal
  142. Manny Pacquiao Scandal Pictures
  143. Mapua Scandal
  144. Maria Scandal
  145. Maricris De Guz Scandal
  146. Mariel Rodriguez Photo Scandal
  147. Marikina Scandal
  148. Marsman Scandal
  149. Maui Taylor Camel Toe Scandal
  150. Maui Taylor Radio Scandal
  151. Maureen Larazabal Scandal
  152. Medical Secretary Scandal
  153. Memory of January 3 2005 Scandal
  154. Metrobank Scandal
  155. Michelle Estevez Scandal
  156. Miss ko na baby ko Scandal
  157. MMS Scandal
  158. Monoblock Chair Scandal
  159. Montojo Scandal
  160. Motel Room No. 1 Scandal
  161. My phone Video Shoot Scandal
  162. Mutya ng Balanga Scandal
  163. Nice Thrust Scandal
  164. New Era College Scandal
  165. New Video Shoot Scandal
  166. Nursing Scandal
  167. Nursing Student Scandal
  168. NYP Students Caught In the Act Scandal
  169. Oblation Run Scandal (University of the Philippines)
  170. OFW Scandal
  171. OFW Scandal II
  172. OFW Scandal III
  173. OFW in Saudi Scandal
  174. Ooohhhh My Scandal
  175. Pansol Quickie Scandal
  176. Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) Scandal
  177. Papa Willy Scandal
  178. Paris Hilton Picture Scandal
  179. Pasay Lodge Scandal
  180. Pasay Rotonda Scandal
  181. Pau Scandal
  182. Perpetualhelp Scandal
  183. Pink Towel Scandal
  184. Pissing Scandal
  185. Playing with Self Scandal
  186. Playing with Self Scandal II
  187. Pose for Me Scandal
  188. Prom Night Scandal
  189. Public Stairs Scandal
  190. Public Stairs Scandal 2
  191. Pussycat Dolls live in Manila
  192. Mutya ng Balanga Scandal
  193. Rave Fuck-Party Scandal
  194. Restroom/CR Fuck Scandal
  195. Riding Scandal
  196. Richard Guiterrez – Anne Curtis Smooching
  197. Rosanna Roces Body Shot
  198. Rosanna Roces Webcam Show
  199. Ruffa and Jessica Scandal
  200. Ruffa Guiterrez Alleged Scandal Video
  201. Ruffa Mae Quinto Nipple Slip
  202. Raffa Mae Quinto – Hayden Kho Video Scandal
  203. San Agustin Scandal
  204. San Beda Alabang Scandal
  205. San Beda Go Scandal
  206. San Pedro College Scandal
  207. San Sebastian Scandal
  208. Sarah UE Dance Troop Scandal
  209. Trip – Eye Ball Scandal
  210. Six with a Pinay Scandal
  211. Shaina Magdayao Scandal
  212. SM Crew Blow Job Scandal
  213. Stag Party Scandal
  214. Sta Mesa Scandal
  215. St. Agustine Academy Scandal
  216. Started at Sitting Position Scandal
  217. STI MIsamis Scandal
  218. Sunshine Cruz’s softcore flick
  219. Super Ferry 15 Scandal
  220. Tang Ina DSL Yan ( TIDY Scandal)
  221. Teresa Scandal
  222. This is my Dream Scandal
  223. Tina Espano Scandal
  224. Tisay si Tinay Scandal
  225. Tit Shot Scandal
  226. Tracy Torres Scandal
  227. Tramo Scandal
  228. Two in One Scandal
  229. Union Bank Elevator Scandal
  230. University of Batangas Scandal
  231. University of Luzon Scandal
  232. University of Pangasinan Scandal
  233. University of San Carlos Scandal
  234. University of Zamboanga Commerce Student Scandal
  235. UP Scandal
  236. Usant – Iriga Scandal
  237. UST Scandal
  238. Vanessa Hudgens Scandal
  239. Via Escort Girl Scandal
  240. Victoria London Nip Slips Photos Scandal
  241. Vivan Velez Scandal
  242. Velez  Scandal
  243. Woman in School Uniform Scandal
  244. Woman on Top Scandal
  245. Yan ang Suso Scandal (Translate to “Boobs Scandal”)
  246. Yeah Yeah Scandal
  247. Ynez Webcam Scandal
  248. Zza Zza Pussy Peek
Actually, there are lots of materials that are being monetized by webmasters. The most recent ones are the Hayden “Cam” Kho Videos.

Playing the Pinay Scandal Trend

How to play the trend?
Actually, I already talked about it above. But if ever you are interested to participate the SEO campaign of Brother Macuha regarding this topic, just go on reading.
Okay. It’s just simple. The process is similar to what we did on our experiment on Pinay Sex and the Filipina Writing project. What you need to do is to write a blogpost about Pinay Scandal and then inform Macuha about it. Read this post for more details.
Will it really work?
Well, this thing really works. I am already successful on this at my Pinay Six Experiments: Looking for Free Pinay Sex, Pinay Sex Video, An Experiment, How Important Are The Visits Made by Pron-Loving Guys To This Blog?, Pinay Teen Sex Experiment On First Stage of Success.
And to let you know, tons of email-feed subscribers are coming from these pages too.
However, just make sure that you are not promoting these materials or else the purpose of initiating this campaign will be ruined.
Remember that we need to snatch the top positions in the search engine results from the real p*rn websites that are monetizing or selling these kind of materials. I called it in my other posts as our way of fighting against p*orn*graphy.
To let you know, writing articles about it without promoting p*rny materials is really hard to do. That’s what I experienced when writing this post. There are times that I am tempted to monetize the articles I wrote by promoting dating websites and related products.
That’s why we need to be careful in writing this. And if ever you realized that it seems I am promoting p*rny things here, please let me know so that I can edit this post to clean it.
To let you know, I already edited it for several times already.

Related Pinay Scandal Articles

Participating Bloggers and Blogs on Pinay and Pinoy Scandal SEO

The Pinay Scandal trend just like what I said was started by Macuha and lots of bloggers participated this SEO thingy. Below is the list of few of bloggers who participated the Pinoy Scandal trend post:
  1. Wanna know the latest trend about Pinay Scandal? by Dexter of Tech At Hand
  2. Pinay Scandal… The Issue by Darang Sisa
  3. Pinay Scandal by Almer Viloria
  4. Google Suggested Pinay Scandal by Ada
  5. Pinay Scandal by Ada
  6. Pinay Scandal by Catzie
  7. Pinay Scandal by Mina
  8. Pinay Scandal by Jehzeel Laurente
  9. Pinay Scandals: Earning Big Bucks? by Nika
  10. Looking For Pinay Scandals?! by Eli
  11. Pinay Scandal by Eligio
  12. Pinay Scandal by Stentorized
  13. Pinay Scandal by Caryl
  14. Pinay Scandal o Iskandalosang Pinay by Kengkay
  15. Pinay Scandal by Hazel
  16. Pinay Scandal by Baby Face
  17. Pinay Scandal Story by Pinoy Ambisyoso
  18. Pinay Scandal by Kenneth
  19. Pinay Scandal by JoanJoyce
  20. Pinay Scandal, Anyone? by MyGlitch
  21. Pinay Scandal Here by Jojitah
  22. “Pinay Scandal” Idea by Neil
  23. Pinay Scandal… In The Mind Of Pinays by Marikenya
  24. The Pinay Scandal – Most Outrageous and Raw Scandal by Chuva
  25. Pinoy Scandal Survivor No. 1 Proud Filipina: Julie Borje by Marikenya
  26. Pinay Scandal by Chuvaness
  27. The Best of Pinay Scandals by Rhodilee
  28. Pinay Scandal by Che
  29. Pinay Scandal by JeanGrey
  30. Pinay Scandal Revealed! by Glitchline
  31. Pinay Scandal on the Web by Philippine Elections 2007
  32. Pinay Scandal, Let’s Play The Trend by Selaplana
  33. The Hottest Pinay Scandals by iRonnie
  34. Blog About Filipina, Pinay Scandal And Vedio by Allen
  35. Pinay Scandal Video by Ronald Mojica
  36. Pinay Scandal by Paulyn
  37. Pinay Scandal Videos by Mi
  38. Pinay Scandals by Rhyannefranz
  39. Pinay Scandal Revealed! by Mesothelioma Info
  40. Pinay Scandal or Pinay Sex Scandal SEO Project by Lestat
  41. Pinay Scandal Here by Ronald
  42. Six And Pinay Scandal Videos Sell by Blogging Pinay
  43. Pinay Scandal / Pnay Scandal: 18 Above Only by Ceefive
  44. Pinay Scandal Me by Marlene
  45. Pinay Scandal in Baguio City by Reyna Elena
  46. Pinay Scandal, Performing In Bubbles by Kotsengkuba
  47. The Famous Pinay Scandal Keyword by Edward
  48. The Pinay Scandal Advocates by Lestat
  49. Pinay Scandal Free Download Available by Allen
  50. Pinay Six Scandal by Culture Shiok
  51. Pinay Scandal Free Download by Derek
  52. Pinay Scandal by Pusa
  53. Pinay Scandal? Think Again by Babyface
  54. Pinay Scandals: The Wrong Turn by Lady Influence
  55. Pinay Scandal by Agloco Philippines
  56. Pinay Scandals Are Dominating The Web by Pinoy World
  57. Pinay Scandal Is A Hit by The Pinoy Blogger Reviews
  58. Rampant Pinay Scandal by Eduard
  59. Watch as the True Pinay Scandal Goes Down by Dark Knight
  60. Pinay Scandal by Pinoytek
  61. Pinay Scandal by Zigfred
  62. Pinay Scandal by Julia
  63. Exposing Pinay Scandals by Ruth
  64. Download Pinay Scandals 3gp for your Phone For Free by Jam
  65. Pinay Scandal (For Adults Only) by Apol
  66. Pinay Scandal In The Mountainsby Banco De Reyna
  67. Pinay Scandal sa Ombudsman by Manilenya
  68. Batangas Scandal by Batangueno.net
  69. Not Another Pinay Scandal by GoBuzzYourSelf
  70. Pinay Scandals by Nursing Crib
  71. I am Pinay and this is a Pinay Scandal by Agnes
  72. Pinay Scandal Anew by Seek No More
  73. Pinay Scandal OMG! by ExcEsc
  74. Pinay Scandal – Pinay Celebrity Scandal – 3gp Scandal Download by Pinay Celebrity Online
  75. Pinay Scandal (with Photo!) by Seven.Senses
  76. Best Pinay Scandal by The Filipino Web
  77. Pinay Scandal, Amateur Filipina Sex Videos Download by archondigital.com
  78. The Pinay Scandal SEO Saga by Snow
But these are not the only blogposts created by participating bloggers. The complete list is at Brother Macuha’s blog.

PED User: Pacquiao or Mayweather Jr.

A lot of boxing fans were convinced by the camp of Mayweather Jr that Manny Pacquiao might be using PED (Performance Enhancing Drugs) epsecially because Pacquiao did not agree with the demands of Mayweather regarding the drug testing protocol.
But the way the became convinced on Mayweather’s accusation to Pacquiao is logical enough. If Manny Pacquiao was clean then why was he trying to escape from the random drug testing?
Actually, I am not one of those boxing fans who were convinced that Manny Pacquiao was on PEDs.
I believe that he’s clean from PEDs. I think, the reason why Manny Pacquiao rejected Mayweather’s demand is just his pride. For him the demand of Mayweather was a plain insult to him who is currently the number 1 P4P fighter and the reigning Welterweight Champion.
And while reading the blogpost of Tommy-The-Tooth about Manny Pacquiao and the PEDs, I immediately thought that maybe it’s Mayweather who was on PEDs.
Tommy-The-Tooth got some points why Manny Pacquiao was clean and that Mayweather might be the one who was using PEDs:
  1. There are many Americans who tested positive on PED. Some of them are:  Sugar Shane Mosley, Barry Bonds, James Toney, Ben Johnson, Mark Mcquire, Roy Jones Jr., Marion Jones, Alex Rodriguez, etc.
  2. No Asian athlete who were tested positive on PED.
  3. Floyd has the height and reach advantage yet he ’s afraid of fight Manny Pacquiao over PED.
And now that Manny Pacquiao agreed on the demands of Mayweather Jr, what will be the next issue that Mayweather Jr should brought out just to avoid fighting Manny Pacquaio?
So, if there will be no Pacquiao vs Mayweather Jr fight this November 2010, then we’ll all blame Mayweather for he’s just a coward dog out there.

Humihiram ng charger, napatay ng bata!

A 10-year-old boy’s curiosity about a firearm his father brought home proved fatal for his 15-year-old neighbor, who he accidentally shot in Davao City Monday night.

Radio dzRH reported Tuesday the incident occurred at 8:15 p.m. Monday at the suspect’s house along McArthur Highway in Davao City’s Calinan district.

The fatality, initially identified as Jason, succumbed to a gunshot wound in the chest. The suspect was brought to the custody of the city police’s Women’s and Children’s Desk.

Initial investigation showed Jason went to the 10-year-old suspect's house to borrow a phone charger.

The boy went to his father’s room where the charger was kept inside a bag.

But when he saw the homemade Magnum-357 gun inside his father’s bag, he took it out and accidentally pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Jason in the chest.

Calinan police head Senior Inspector Ariel Acala theorized the boy may have been curious about the gun and tried to handle it, but it accidentally went off.

Acala also said further investigation showed the 10-year-old’s father brought home the firearm after seeing it abandoned in a cargo truck. — LBG/RSJ, GMANews.TV

Brown Rice lowers Diabetes Risk

Posted at 06/15/2010 10:32 AM | Updated as of 06/15/2010 10:48 AM

NEW YORK - People who eat brown rice or other whole grains seem to have a lower risk of developing diabetes than those who eat white rice, according to a US study.
A team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women's Hospital analyzed about 200,000 adults followed for up to 22 years and found eating more refined white rice was associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels caused by a body's inability to process sugar properly and is often linked to obesity and poor diet. The illness can sometimes be controlled through diet and exercise but may require drugs.
"In general, the public should pay special attention to their carbohydrate intake and try to replace refined carbohydrates, including white rice, with whole grains," researcher Dr. Qi Sun told Reuters Health.
Current US dietary guidelines recommend that at least half of carbohydrates in the diet come from whole grains.
More Americans are eating rice, Sun and colleagues note in their report published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, rice consumption has shot up more than threefold since the 1930s.
However, most of the rice eaten by Americans is refined white rice, which is stripped of its fiber, vitamins and minerals in the refining process and is more likely to fuel an increase in blood sugar.
The researchers assessed rice intake and diabetes risk among nearly 40,000 men and more than 157,000 women in three long-running studies.
Altogether, 10,507 of them developed type 2 diabetes.
Across all three studies, having more white rice in the diet was associated with an elevated risk of type 2 diabetes.
The researchers estimate that replacing one third of a serving of white rice daily (about 50 grams) with the same amount of brown rice could lower a person's risk of getting type 2 diabetes by 16 percent.
They further estimate that replacing white rice with whole grains as a group could be associated with a risk reduction as great as 36 percent.
Sun pointed out that they adjusted for numerous factors that might influence the results and the findings still held up but added that it was possible that eating more brown rice was a marker for a healthier lifestyle.
"We adjusted for these factors including body adiposity (fat), smoking, physical activity, and other dietary factors, and the significant associations remained. This suggests that what we observed is unlikely the result of other factors," said Sun.

Viewing Private Profile for Friendster Account Unleashed!

As requested by some internet surfers for steps to view private profiles in friendster, here are some steps and link you may personally use to do so.

1. copy the URL of the friendster profile  in your address bar.

2.Open this link.http://codesonweb.com/dev/fs.php

3. Paste the copied URL into the text box of said link and click View Profile.

4. There you have it!


Best honemoon site is Philippines' Queen City: Cebu

Posted at 06/15/2010 10:19 AM | Updated as of 06/15/2010 10:25 AM

MANILA, Philippines - Cebu was named “Best Honeymoon Destination” at the awards night of the World Trade Fair 2010 in Shanghai, China.
The competition was decided by a public vote and a strict evaluation process undertaken by professional jurors from the Shanghai Tourism Municipal Administration, VNU Exhibitions Asia and Shanghai International Conference Management Organization.
Tourism chief Ace Durano welcomed the award, especially noting that one of the Philippine provinces bagged the accolade, signifying the growing attraction to foreign travelers of individual destinations in the country.
“As the second most-visited destination in the country, next to Metro Manila, Cebu continues to draw more people to add to the 435,987 tourists that it posted in this year’s first quarter. We are not surprised that more and more travelers, especially couples, are finding its pristine white beaches, romantic resorts and breathtaking views, coupled with the innate warmth and friendliness of our locals, a perfect treat for their honeymoon trip,” said Durano, who hails from Cebu.
The World Trade Fair brought hundreds of participating countries and organizations all over the globe. In attendance in this year’s expo at the Shanghai Exhibition Center were about 500 tourism players.
At present, Cebu enjoys a steady influx of travelers, with top markets including Korea getting close to 30 percent of the market share, Japan with almost a quarter; and United States and China getting almost the same.
Apart from Cebu’s attractive sites and diverse excursion activities, Durano cited the country’s competitive tour pricing and the continuous development of the transportation sector as influential drivers of tourism growth in the island-province.
Arlene Alipio, head of DOT Team China, said charter flights from Shanghai to Cebu and Boracay have helped spur inbound travel growth to Cebu.
“Convenience of travel makes tourists from China more likely to visit the island and take more time to enjoy their stay,” she said.
Undersecretary for Tourism Planning and Promotions Eduardo Jarque Jr. said the recent award bagged is “an affirmation of the country’s world-class tourist spots and its unfailing efforts to reach out to new markets.”
Last year’s World Trade Fair, held also in Shanghai, had also been highly memorable and optimistic as the country clinched the “Most Popular Destination in Asia” award, the highest recognition given during the event.
While total China outbound travel grew only by 4 percent in 2009, outbound travel from Eastern China to the Philippines has been growing at an average rate of 40 percent in terms of visa issuances since the opening of the new Philippine Tourism Office in 2007.
In 2004 there were only some 32,000 Chinese tourists in the Philippines. By 2009 the number is set to surpass 200,000.
In Central Visayas Chinese arrivals more than doubled for the first 11 months in 2009 compared to same period in 2008. As of November last year, mainland China is the fourth-biggest market of the region, hitting more than 56,000 arrivals, while Hong Kong is near to breaking the 30,000 mark.

Holy Talk: Iglesia Ni Cristo vs Roman Catholic Debate

I am fond of reading Bible and engaging in informal debate and bible sharing.
Normally, the two persons in debate tried to show proofs or verses of the Bible in different versions just to back up their claims, arguments or beliefs. Then whenever one uses a questionable verse in proving something, the other one tries to show or prove that the verse he used is erroneously translated. I haven’t yet witness a debate that one of the debater tried to deceive the audience, his opponents or the moderator by changing a page of certain version ofthe Bible, not until I found this video:

The debate was held on August 5, 2006. The Iglesia ni Cristo was represented by Brother Ramil Parba while the Roman Catholic Church was represented by Mr. Talibong. Usually, in formal debates the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines is represented by one of the members of the Catholic Defender.
What happened is that during the show down, Mr. Talibong argued that he can read a verse that clearly said that Christ build the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. The verse is Matthew 16:18 in the Confraternity Bible. The only problem is that the Catholic Defenders changed the page where the Matt. 16:18 was printed with the page they wrote by themselves.
The original text of the Matt 16:18 of the Confraternity Version goes: “…. I will build my church…” What the Catholic Defenders did was changed that part to: “… I will build my Holy Apostolic Catholic Roman Church…”
And just like what Brother Parba cried, it’s really a deception!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Keith Soriano: Bon Voyage, Yeng!


Faithful friends are hard to find. And I nearly laughed out loud when I received Yeng’s message at 8:00pm that said:

“Nasan na kayo?”

I replied, “Yeng, nsa fx n ko papunta. Hehe. Wg ka mag-alala. Drtng kmi…”

The thought of Yeng leaving the Philippines makes me sad. He’s the only guy classmate we have here in Manila who is always present in get-together sessions with high school classmates. He never failed us. You could trust his word when he says he will come (even if he is the only guy among those who confirmed).

That’s the reason I never fail him whenever he hosts any occasion at their Fairview residence. I make it a point to be present to reciprocate the efforts he made whenever we drag him along in our sappy tagalog movies escapades.

There were just a number of us present for his send off party. Allow me to enumerate:

Sanen Airene Margarette, the early bird. She even accompanied Cyn and Mng Pays in buying groceries needed for Duls’ birthday the next day.

Myself. I met up with Sanen, Cyn and Mng Pays at SM Fairview which was a good idea because it was raining hard when I reached the area.

Sinen Cyd Chariss, who was baptized “arti-kulit” by Mng Tabs because of her “kaartehan” and her list of alibis for being late. Hehe.

Mareng Diane, who came in with her bar-hopping attire again (as stated by Mng Tabs).

Jans, who, despite the heavy rains and work the next day, travelled from Laguna just to be present in Yeng’s send off party.

It was a night of drinking, singing and merry-making. In addition, there were also a list of unforgettable lines and words.

“Honk-honk” – derived from Apple’s shirt that pertains to jokingly pressing “kapus-palad” girls’ twin towers.

“Tute” – derived from the word “tutor” referring to Mareng Diane. A lot of sentences were made from this word.

“Happy Independence Day, Jans” – greeting given to Jansel after the clock struck 12. I was called “insensitive” by Yeng because of this. Hehe. Jans noted how many times I told him that (25 times).

Oh well, what else could I say. It was a night full of fun and laughter. And most importantly, it was faithful friends who made that possible.

To Yeng, Bon Voyage! (pronounced as bóN vwaa yáazh. Puh-lease!!! Spare me from wrong pronunciations. Hehe. ) You will surely be missed. Take care. I’ll see you online.

Yeng with Myself and Sinen at Trinoma, 02.19.10

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Walk to Remember

by Ketih Soriano
11 June 2010

I consider myself a jolly person. I do anything that makes me happy. I eat anything that will make me feel better. Despite these, I allow myself two days in a year for me to sulk, it’s a personal tradition. Today is one of those, the other day is your birthday.

What’s so special about this day?

Eight years ago, 11 June 2002, I woke up early for this day because it’s our registration priority day for General Education (G.E.) subjects at the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Science and the College of Arts and Letters. It was a relief that I had got most of the subjects I needed thru the Computerized Registration System (C.R.S.) and only needed to manually enlist in one GE subject. By 1:oopm, I am already an official student in my third year of undergraduate studies for the Academic Year 2002-2003.

I decided to drop by my grand aunt’s house in Project 3, QC before I get home. And that’s where I received a text message from you asking if we could see each other today. I gave in.

By 4:30pm, I was already in National Bookstore SM Centerpoint waiting for you. My heart thump fast I could barely breathe whenever you are around, so when I turned around, I already knew before I saw you that you were already there.

We were both wearing black shirts even though we didn’t plan that in advance. You were wearing your signature golf cap that looks best on you (as far as I’m concerned). I had my hair in a pony tail. We haven’t seen each other in two years so the first thing you noticed about me is that I have grown my long and that I looked better with long hair (oh well, you were also the first one who told me that I looked boyish during our high school days because of my hair and because of the way I act).

It was our first date together. Have I ever told you that you make me tongue-tied, my knees weak, and my heart beat faster than usual? Up to this day, you’re the only person that makes me feel that way. You’re the only guy I have ever loved.

We agreed to bring someone with us along, a chaperone, in order for us to be at ease with each other. I am the one who needed that, because I’m not the usual me whenever I’m around you. I’m a loud mouth person. But whenever you are around, I get tensed and tongue-tied. Maybe I just don’t want to make a fool out of myself in your presence.

MRT blooper, unsalted popcorn, Zagu mistake… It all happened in one day. Do you know that I could go on and say in words my exact feelings during that day? I loved you so much and the days I spent with you are the days I wouldn’t want to forget.

But, don’t think highly of yourself though. I have already moved on. I still got a piece of you under my skin.

Allow me to wallow in peace today and on your birthday. Those are the only days I think of you and the days that we’ve been together.

You are my One Great Love and nobody else could take your place… Not until I meet my One True Love and I’m looking forward for that day.

Until then, so long, Dynamite.

We talked endlessly while strolling in the Acad Oval 11 June 2002

Burj Khalifa: Dubai Opens World's Tallest Building Amid Crisis

(AP) DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Dubai opened the world's tallest skyscraper Monday, and in a surprise move renamed the gleaming glass-and-metal tower Burj Khalifa in a nod to the leader of neighboring Abu Dhabi -- the oil-rich sheikdom which came to its rescue during the financial meltdown.
A lavish presentation witnessed by Dubai's ruler and thousands of onlookers at the base of the tower said the building was 828 meters, or 2717 feet, tall.
Dubai is opening the tower in the midst of a deep financial crisis. Its oil rich neighbor Abu Dhabi has pumped billions of dollars in bailout funds into the emirate as it struggles to pay its debts.
Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan is the ruler of Abu Dhabi and serves as the president of the United Arab Emirates, the federation of seven small emirates, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Analysts have questioned what Dubai might need to offer in exchange for the financial support it has received from Abu Dhabi, which controls nearly all of the UAE's oil wealth. Abu Dhabi provided direct and indirect injections totaling $25 billion last year as Dubai's debt problems deepened.
Dubai's hereditary ruler, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in recent months has increasingly underscored the close relationship between the two emirates. Sheik Mohammed serves as vice president and prime minister of the UAE federation.
The developer of the newly opened tower said it cost about $1.5 billion to build the tapering metal-and-glass spire billed as a "vertical city" of luxury apartments and offices. It boasts four swimming pools, a private library and a hotel designed by Giorgio Armani.

The Burj's developers say they are confident in the safety of the tower, which is more than twice the height of New York's Empire State Building's roof.
Greg Sang, Emaar's director of projects, said the Burj has "refuge floors" at 25 to 30 story intervals that are more fire resistant and have separate air supplies in case of emergency. And its reinforced concrete structure, he said, makes it stronger than steel-frame skyscrapers.
"It's a lot more robust," he said. "A plane won't be able to slice through the Burj like it did through the steel columns of the World Trade Center."
Dubai was little more than a sleepy fishing village a generation ago but it boomed into the Middle East's commercial hub over the past two decades on the back of business-friendly trading policies, relative security, and vast amounts of overseas investment.
Then property prices in parts of sheikdom collapsed by nearly half over the past year. Now Dubai is mired in debt and many buildings sit largely empty -- the result of overbuilding during a property bubble that has since burst.
Despite the past year of hardships, the tower's developer and other officials were in a festive mood, trying to bring the world's focus on Dubai's future potential rather than past mistakes.
"Crises come and go. And cities move on," Mohammed Alabbar, chairman of the tower's developer Emaar Properties, told reporters before the inauguration. "You have to move on. Because if you stop taking decisions, you stop growing."
Wondering what other buildings compare to the Burj? Check out photos of the world's other tallest towers and vote for your favorite.

8. Willis 
Tower, Chicago
Nanjing Greenland Financial Center, Nanjing

5. Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur 1,483 ft 
4. International Commerce Centre, Hong Kong1,584 ft

3. Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai 1,614 ft 

Taipei 101, Taipei 1,671 ft
1. Burj Dubai, Dubai 2,684 ft
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